Australian Prime Minister Faces Falling Approval Ratings Amid Economic Concerns


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Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is facing declining approval ratings as the country grapples with economic concerns. Recent polls have shown a negative net approval rating for Albanese, marking a significant shift from earlier this year when more Australians supported him. The Australian electorate is increasingly anxious about persistently high inflation and interest rates, with the Reserve Bank recently raising borrowing costs to a 12-year high.

According to Essential Media and Resolve polls, dissatisfaction with Albanese’s performance is on the rise, and the primary vote for the Labor government has dropped to its lowest level since the 2022 election. Conversely, the opposition Liberal National Coalition has seen an increase in support, as demonstrated by a recent Newspoll. It is important to note that Australia is not due to hold an election until at least May 2025.

While Albanese has had notable diplomatic successes and international agreements during recent overseas visits, including meetings at the White House and the restoration of relations with China, these achievements have not translated into increased domestic approval. The prime minister’s focus on social reforms, such as the rejected referendum to create an Indigenous advisory body to Parliament, has drawn criticism for not adequately addressing the economic difficulties faced by the electorate.

The Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has capitalized on Albanese’s international travels, referring to him as Airbus Albo and calling for him to cancel his upcoming trip to Apec in the US to prioritize domestic concerns. Dutton argues that the government is faltering and in need of immediate attention.

In defense of his government’s economic record, Albanese highlighted the creation of 550,000 jobs since taking office, emphasizing that more jobs have been generated under his administration than any first-term government in Australian history. Additionally, he pointed out the government’s achievement of turning a significant deficit into a surplus.

Despite these efforts, Albanese’s falling approval rating reflects the growing unease among Australians regarding economic challenges and inflationary pressures. The government’s ability to provide further assistance to voters is constrained by the need to curb spending and mitigate inflation risks.

As the mid-term point approaches for Albanese’s first term, it remains to be seen how the government will navigate the economic concerns and regain public confidence. The declining approval ratings highlight the importance of addressing the electorate’s economic anxieties and providing viable solutions to the challenges facing the nation.

Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta is a dedicated author at The Reportify who covers the intricate world of politics. With a deep interest in current affairs and political dynamics, Siddharth provides insightful analysis, updates, and perspectives in the Politics category. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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