Massachusetts Senate Approves Fund for Crumbling Foundations Crisis, US


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BOSTON – Homeowners across the state who rallied on Beacon Hill asking for help to pay for their crumbling foundations may soon see some relief. Thursday night, state senators approved an amendment to the Affordable Housing Act that will create a fund for Massachusetts residents whose foundations are failing. The problem is a natural mineral called pyrrhotite, which eventually causes concrete foundations to crumble – and insurance doesn’t cover the costs. Members of Massachusetts Residents Against Crumbling Concrete gathered outside the Statehouse again on Thursday to call for help fixing their foundations. The problem is expected to hit more than 40 cities and towns, which have identified homeowners with crumbling foundations due to pyrrhotite. Replacing the foundation in a home can cause a homeowner as much as $250,000. Faulty foundations are putting the homes and life savings of thousands of Massachusetts families across the Commonwealth at risk, through no fault of their own, said Sen. Michael Moore, D-Millbury.

Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson, a seasoned journalist and USA news expert, leads The Reportify's coverage of American current affairs. With unwavering commitment, he delivers up-to-the-minute, credible information, ensuring readers stay informed about the latest events shaping the nation. Michael's keen research skills and ability to craft compelling narratives provide deep insights into the ever-evolving landscape of USA news. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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