4.3 Million Require Humanitarian Aid in Niger Due to Food Insecurity & Conflict, UN Reports


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4.3 Million Nigerians in Need of Humanitarian Aid Due to Food Insecurity & Conflict, Reports the UN

Approximately 17 percent of Niger’s population, totaling 4.3 million people, is facing dire circumstances and requires urgent humanitarian assistance in 2023. The United Nations (UN) released a report highlighting the severe challenges posed by chronic food insecurity, ongoing conflict, and climatic shocks including drought and seasonal floods in the country.

The Diffa Region of Niger, along with bordering areas of Cameroon, Chad, and Nigeria, has suffered greatly from armed group violence in the Lake Chad Basin since 2017. This has resulted in widespread displacement and disruption of livelihoods and markets in Diffa. Similarly, the Liptako-Gourma Region, which spans northern Burkina Faso, southern and central Mali, and southwestern Niger, has experienced heightened insecurity since 2018, further exacerbating humanitarian needs in the affected populations.

Food insecurity continues to afflict Niger, particularly in areas impacted by armed group activity. The violence and consequent displacement have severely restricted agricultural production and hindered market access. Consequently, a staggering 3.3 million people across Niger faced Crisis – Phase 3 or worse levels of acute food insecurity during the lean season between June and August. Distressed economic conditions have compounded this issue, plunging many households into food insecurity nationwide.

Economic sanctions implemented by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union following the July 26 coup d’état have worsened the situation. These sanctions have led to increased prices for staple foods across Niger and disrupted the humanitarian supply chain, resulting in delayed deliveries of assistance according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Furthermore, border closures with ECOWAS countries, which are still in effect as of October, have spawned further scarcities of essential commodities and food, as reported by the UN World Food Program (WFP).

Internal conflict and insecurity have left over 335,000 individuals internally displaced within Niger as of September, with an additional 20,000 people displaced since July, as per UNHCR estimates. Moreover, Niger currently hosts more than 325,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, predominantly from Mali and Nigeria.

The June-to-September rainy season brought devastating floods that adversely affected nearly 170,000 people, with over 67,000 individuals in the Maradi Region alone feeling the impact. These floods have disrupted livelihoods, aggravated acute food insecurity, and added to the challenges faced by communities, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The humanitarian crisis in Niger demands urgent attention, resolute action, and steadfast support from the international community. With millions of lives at stake, it is crucial to address the underlying causes of food insecurity, conflict, and climate-related shocks. Efforts must be made to ensure accessible and affordable food for Niger’s vulnerable population while promoting stability and facilitating the restoration of livelihoods.

By rallying together and providing the necessary humanitarian aid and long-term solutions, the global community can make a tangible difference in securing a better future for the people of Niger.

Riya Patel
Riya Patel
Riya Patel is a dedicated author at The Reportify covering the vast landscape of world news. With a commitment to providing comprehensive coverage, Riya brings you the latest updates, global events, and impactful stories in the World News category. She can be reached at riya@thereportify.com for any inquiries or further information.

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