Surge in First-Time Gun Owners in America Amid Rising Crime Rates, US


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There has been a drastic surge in the number of Americans becoming first-time gun owners over the past four years according to a press release.

The National Sports Shooting Foundation (NSSF) pointed to data showing a major trend in gun ownership. The number of people who became first-time gun owners since 2020 has reportedly grown to over 22.3 million people, which is equal to the population of Florida.

The impetus behind the rapid increase in first-time gun ownership is attributed to numerous factors, including COVID-era lockdown measures, soft-on-crime prosecutors and skyrocketing violent crime rates, according to the NSSF.

The report highlights Chris Cheng, a competitive shooting champion who testified before Congress about the rise in gun ownership.

The past year-and-a-half or so with COVID-19 has been a pressure cooker … When you couple that with calls to defund the police and taking law enforcement officers off the street … it makes citizens like me less safe, Cheng said during his testimony, according to the report. If I can’t have law enforcement there, then it is a rational conclusion that individual citizens like myself would opt to utilize my Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm and use that firearm in lawful and legal self-defense.

More than 52% of American voters indicated that they or someone in their home owns a firearm, according to an NBC News national poll released in November 2023. Researchers also found that 48% of firearm owners were concerned that the government would not take enough action to restrict access to firearms while 47% worried that the state would go too far in regulating guns.

Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson is an accomplished crime reporter at The Reportify, specializing in investigative journalism and criminal justice. With an unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth, Sophia fearlessly delves into the depths of criminal cases to shed light on the darkest corners of society. Her keen analytical skills and attention to detail enable her to piece together complex narratives and provide comprehensive coverage of high-profile trials, crime scenes, and law enforcement developments. Sophia's dedication to justice and her ability to present facts with clarity and sensitivity make her articles an essential resource for readers seeking an in-depth understanding of the criminal landscape. She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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