Landmark Ruling: Punjab & Haryana High Court Holds State Primarily Responsible for Compensation in Stray Animal Attacks, India


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Punjab & Haryana High Court Deems State Primarily Responsible for Compensation in Stray Animal Attacks

In a landmark ruling, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has declared that the state will be held primarily responsible for compensating individuals affected by attacks from stray animals, such as dogs and cattle. This verdict comes amidst a growing debate in the country regarding the issue of stray dogs, with recent incidents, including fatalities, causing widespread concern among the public.

Addressing a total of 193 petitions related to attacks by stray animals, the court has shifted the burden of compensation onto the state, allowing them the right to recover funds from defaulting agencies or private entities. The High Court has ordered Punjab, Haryana, and the Union Territory of Chandigarh to establish committees led by deputy commissioners to determine compensation amounts for incidents involving stray animals. These committees, consisting of representatives from law enforcement, medical, and transport authorities, are expected to adjudicate claims within four months of submission.

Under this ruling, dog bite cases will be entitled to a minimum compensation of Rs 10,000 per tooth mark, while injuries that affect the flesh will receive a minimum compensation of Rs 20,000 per 0.2 cm of wound. The court emphasized that it is the state’s primary responsibility to ensure compensation and called out the lack of initiative shown by authorities in addressing this issue. The ruling seeks to rectify the underreporting of incidents and minimize the suffering experienced by the public.

To streamline the compensation process and enhance responsible handling of stray animals, the court’s guidelines further recommend that police officers promptly record daily diary reports (DDRs) on accidents caused by stray animals. These reports should include the verification of claims and statements from witnesses. Additionally, the court suggests the formation of committees, including officials such as deputy commissioners, police officers, and medical representatives, to assess compensation claims within a four-month timeframe. This decision aims to address the existing loopholes in policies, ensuring a more efficient process while addressing the escalating danger posed by stray animals on roads.

By placing the onus on the state to provide compensation, the Punjab and Haryana High Court hopes to mitigate the hardships faced by individuals affected by stray animal attacks. The ruling not only addresses the immediate need for compensation, but also highlights the urgent requirement for proactive measures and policymaking to tackle the stray animal issue effectively.

Jaishankar BH
Jaishankar BH
Jaishankar BH, the experienced author behind The Reportify, brings a wealth of knowledge in Indian news. With a deep understanding of the country's political landscape and cultural nuances, Jaishankar delivers insightful and well-researched analysis. Stay informed and enlightened with Jaishankar's expertise at The Reportify. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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