Boeing moves forward with fix for 737 MAX 7 engine issue, completion expected in 2025


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Boeing’s commercial airplane chief has confirmed that the planemaker has finalized the design to address an engine anti-ice system that has been causing significant delays in the certification of the 737 MAX 7. The issue with the anti-ice system could potentially lead to engine overheating and failure, prompting the urgent need for a fix. Stephanie Pope, Boeing’s commercial airplane chief, mentioned that progress is being made on the engineering front to rectify the problem. However, no formal timeline was provided for when the fix will be completed, but Pope speculated that it could be in the early to mid of next year. The planemaker is expected to conduct a flight test later this year to validate the solution. This development marks a crucial step towards addressing the lingering certification challenges that have plagued the 737 MAX 7.

Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta is an insightful author at The Reportify who dives into the realm of business. With a keen understanding of industry trends, market developments, and entrepreneurship, Shreya brings you the latest news and analysis in the Business She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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