Amcor plc Reports $257M Q4 Net Income, Met Expectations


Updated: [falahcoin_post_modified_date]

Amcor plc (AMCR) reported fiscal fourth-quarter net income of $257 million, translating to 18 cents per share. After adjusting for non-recurring costs, earnings were 21 cents per share, meeting Wall Street expectations. The packaging company’s revenue for the period was $3.54 billion.

For the full year, Amcor recorded a profit of $730 million, equivalent to 51 cents per share, with revenue totaling $13.64 billion. Looking ahead, the company anticipates full-year earnings between 72 cents and 76 cents per share.

Despite the challenges posed by the global landscape, Amcor has shown resilience with a 13% increase in its shares since the beginning of the year. The closing trading price on Thursday was at $10.85, representing a 14% growth over the last 12 months.

These results underline the company’s ability to navigate the market successfully and deliver consistent performance, reinforcing its position as a leader in the packaging industry.

Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta is an insightful author at The Reportify who dives into the realm of business. With a keen understanding of industry trends, market developments, and entrepreneurship, Shreya brings you the latest news and analysis in the Business She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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