Aerial Culling Authorized to Control Wild Horse Crisis in NSW’s Kosciuszko National Park, Australia


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Aerial Culling Authorized to Control Wild Horse Crisis in NSW’s Kosciuszko National Park

The New South Wales (NSW) state government has authorized the use of aerial shooting as a means to control the growing population of wild horses in Australia’s Kosciuszko National Park. The decision comes as feral horses have been identified as a significant threat to the park’s ecosystem and the habitats of more than 30 species.

In an effort to address this crisis, the NSW government announced the addition of aerial culling to the existing control tactics, which include ground shooting, trapping, and rehoming. The aim is to reduce the number of brumbies, or wild horses, to 3,000 by mid-2027. A recent survey in November 2022 estimated the wild horse population in the Kosciuszko National Park to be around 18,814.

Penny Sharpe, NSW’s minister for the environment, emphasized the urgency to take action, stating that the current number of wild horses poses a threat to threatened native species and the overall ecosystem. After careful consideration of all options, it was determined that aerial culling, when conducted by highly trained personnel adhering to rigorous standards, would deliver the best animal welfare outcomes.

The NSW government received a significant number of submissions from individuals and organizations regarding aerial shooting. Of the 11,002 submissions between August 8 and September 11, 87 percent provided comments specifically addressing this control method.

Surprisingly, 82 percent of the submissions expressing opinions on aerial shooting actually supported its inclusion in the wild horse management plan for the park. This suggests that there is recognition among the public for the necessity of this measure in tackling the wild horse crisis.

The implementation of aerial culling as an authorized method is expected to generate positive impacts for the park’s ecosystem in the long run. It offers an efficient and effective means to reduce the population of wild horses, consequently safeguarding the habitats of vulnerable species.

Noah Williams
Noah Williams
Noah Williams, the Australia correspondent and news manager at The Reportify. Trust his accurate and insightful coverage of breaking news, interviews, and analysis. Gain a deeper understanding of Australia's politics, culture, and social issues through his captivating writing. Count on Noah for reliable and impactful news exclusively at The Reportify. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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