Afghanistan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Urges Focus on Education for Progress


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Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, has emphasized the crucial role of education in the country’s progress. Speaking at an event in Kabul, Stanikzai called on the ministries of higher education and education to prioritize the development of the education sector.

During his speech, Stanikzai highlighted the impact of years of war on Afghanistan’s education, health, and agriculture sectors, which had significantly lagged behind compared to neighboring countries. However, with a relatively safe environment now in place, he urged the government and international institutions to pay greater attention to education.

Expressing his support for the initiatives taken by the ministries of higher education and education, Stanikzai urged them to better understand the challenges in teaching and learning. Furthermore, he called on international institutions and non-governmental organizations to provide assistance and facilities to ensure that the children of Afghanistan have access to quality education.

In addition, Stanikzai noted the disappearance of power islands in Afghanistan and the emergence of a unified system. He stressed the importance of effectively utilizing the created space and environment for the country’s growth and development.

The event also saw the signing of cooperation agreements between the officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and a local institution in the fields of education, health, and agriculture.

Education plays a pivotal role in the progress of any nation, and Afghanistan is no exception. The deputy foreign minister’s call for increased focus on education highlights the government’s commitment to bridging the education gap and providing opportunities for the younger generation. By addressing the challenges and providing necessary facilities, Afghanistan aims to improve its education sector and empower its citizens.

It is evident that the government acknowledges the impact of previous conflicts on various sectors, including education. With a relatively stable environment prevailing presently, the time is ripe to prioritize education and invest in its development. This will contribute to the overall growth of the country and empower its people to shape a prosperous future.

Furthermore, the disappearance of power islands signifies a significant step toward a more unified Afghanistan. The deputy foreign minister’s assertion that the central government holds control over the entire geography of Afghanistan in terms of security and politics is an encouraging sign of stability and governance. This unified system provides a conducive environment for progress and development on various fronts, including education.

The signing of cooperation agreements with a local institution in the fields of education, health, and agriculture further demonstrates the government’s commitment to partnerships that can positively impact these crucial sectors. Collaborative efforts can bring about significant improvements, ensuring that Afghan citizens receive the necessary support and resources in these areas.

As Afghanistan focuses on education as a catalyst for progress, it is essential to create an environment that facilitates learning and empowers the youth. The involvement of international institutions and non-governmental organizations is vital in this regard. By extending their support and expertise, these entities can make a substantial difference, assisting the ministries of higher education and education in providing quality education facilities.

In conclusion, Afghanistan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai has underscored the importance of education for the country’s progress. Recognizing the challenges faced in the past, the government aims to bridge the education gap and provide opportunities for its citizens. A unified system, coupled with partnerships with local institutions and international entities, will further enhance Afghanistan’s educational landscape. By prioritizing education and harnessing the potential of its youth, Afghanistan can lay the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous future.

Kavya Kapoor
Kavya Kapoor
Kavya Kapoor is a dedicated author at The Reportify who explores the realm of education. With a focus on learning, innovation, and educational developments, Kavya brings you insightful articles and valuable resources in the Education category. She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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