J.D. Martinez Raises Awareness for Pneumonia Vaccination, US


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J.D. Martinez has been an integral part of the 2024 Mets’ success. His consistent, steady bat has produced a lot of great moments this year, including his first ever walk-off! J.D. was made available to chat because of the ‘This Is Your Shot’ initiative run through Pfizer, which is here to raise awareness about getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia.

J.D. is sharing his story as a professional baseball player with asthma, a condition he experienced playing in Little League, which led to frequent ER visits as a kid. As an adult, asthma puts him at over 5x greater risk for getting pneumococcal pneumonia compared to healthy adults in the same age range. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can put you in the hospital and even be life threatening.

J.D. knows how important it is to advocate for his own health and has partnered with Pfizer to raise awareness on the dangers of pneumococcal pneumonia and the importance of getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia.

You can find out more about the This is Your Shot initiative at www.knowpneumonia.com.

Rohan Desai
Rohan Desai
Rohan Desai is a health-conscious author at The Reportify who keeps you informed about important topics related to health and wellness. With a focus on promoting well-being, Rohan shares valuable insights, tips, and news in the Health category. He can be reached at rohan@thereportify.com for any inquiries or further information.

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