Putin Doubles Down on Nuclear Threats Amid Ukraine Tensions, Russia


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Vladimir Putin has doubled down on his nuclear threats after Ukraine was given the green light to use American-supplied weapons against Russia. The Kremlin leader reminded the West of its capability to deploy conventional missiles within striking distance of the US and European allies if they help Ukraine to infiltrate deeper into the region with long-range weapons. It follows the Biden Administration’s decision to supply weaponry for Ukraine to hit back at Russian forces, but only in the Kharkiv region.

In a three-hour press conference yesterday at Gazprom tower, Putin warned it has the right to act in the same way if it sees countries are being drawn into a war against the Russian Federation. However, the 71-year-old did not provide specifics on where these missiles may target.

When asked about the risk of a nuclear war, Putin said simply: We have a nuclear doctrine, look what it says.

If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal. This should not be taken lightly, superficially. According to Reuters, he added: For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it.

Russia’s 2020 nuclear doctrine explicitly states the country reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies. The document also states it can deploy nuclear weapons in response to large-scale aggression involving the use of conventional weapons in situations critical for the national security of the Russian Federation.

The Dictator did however rule out an attack on NATO, arguing the West should not make Russia out to be the enemy. He added: Have you gone completely crazy? That is as thick as this table. Who came up with this? It is just complete nonsense, you know? Total rubbish.

Both Putin and Biden have previously said a direct conflict with Russia and US-led NATO would be moving towards World War Three.

Riya Patel
Riya Patel
Riya Patel is a dedicated author at The Reportify covering the vast landscape of world news. With a commitment to providing comprehensive coverage, Riya brings you the latest updates, global events, and impactful stories in the World News category. She can be reached at riya@thereportify.com for any inquiries or further information.

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