Polish Cities Share Best Practices for Migrant Integration, Poland


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Training: Building effective partnerships in support of migrant and refugee integration in Polish cities

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Union of Polish Metropolises are joining forces to offer a training program aimed at enhancing the integration of migrants and refugees in Polish cities. As part of the Academy on Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Polish Cities, this training will focus on the perspectives of Polish cities in terms of migrant and refugee integration. The objective is to learn from cities’ experiences and share best practices in responding to the challenges of inclusion and integration.

Polish local governments, public institutions, and non-governmental organizations often collaborate with each other and other local stakeholders to support migrant and refugee integration. The training will provide an opportunity to review these partnerships, systematize knowledge, and discuss the benefits and challenges of building effective collaborations.

Key topics that will be covered during the training include understanding the building blocks of successful collaboration at the local level, comprehensive mapping of relevant stakeholders, exchanging experiences between cities in forming partnerships, and developing practical plans for cooperative integration in participants’ cities.

The training will incorporate a dialogue session on integration and cooperation, allowing participants to share their own experiences and learn from others. The principles of dialogue as a communication tool will be taught by an experienced trainer from Norway’s Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue.

This is the third part of the ODIHR training course within the framework of the Academy for Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Polish cities. Attendance at earlier parts of the course is not required. The training materials and networking dinner will be funded by ODIHR, and the venue will be provided by ODIHR as well.

The course will involve interactive training methods that require active participation from all attendees. Through groupwork, dialogue, and interaction, the course aims to create a space for sharing experiences, addressing challenges, and sharing good practices between cities. Participants will work together under the guidance of experienced trainers to develop action plans that can be implemented in their respective cities. The training will be conducted in Polish by trainers with demonstrated sensitivity to gender and cultural issues.

Up to 24 participants will be able to take part in the training, representing municipal authorities from cities that are members of the Union of Polish Metropolises. The cities can nominate two to three mid-level practitioners from relevant departments such as education, culture, social policy, units working with the third sector, equal treatment activities, intercultural assistants, or social workers.

City authorities interested in nominating participants should approach the Union of Polish Metropolises with their nominations. For any questions regarding the content of the training or the selection procedure, contact Alice.Szczepanikova@odihr.pl.

With this training program, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the Union of Polish Metropolises aim to strengthen the partnerships and collaboration necessary for effective migrant and refugee integration in Polish cities. By sharing experiences, learning from best practices, and fostering dialogue, the training seeks to create inclusive and welcoming environments for migrants and refugees in Poland.


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