Egypt’s Foreign Minister Heads to Slovenia for Economic Cooperation Talks


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Egyptian FM to meet with Slovenian president

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shokry is set to embark on a visit to Slovenia today. Heading the Egyptian delegation participating in the second round of the joint ministerial committee on economic cooperation, Shokry aims to bolster bilateral ties and discuss regional and international affairs of mutual interest.

During his visit, Minister Shokry is expected to meet with his Slovenian counterpart to exchange views on various matters. Key among them is the Palestinian Cause, an issue that Slovenia has consistently supported. The meeting presents an opportunity to strengthen the long-standing friendship between the two nations.

Additionally, Minister Shokry will engage with Slovenian President Nataša Pirc Musar, Prime Minister Robert Golob, and the minister of the economy, tourism, and sport. The discussions will revolve around ways to enhance cooperation in diverse fields.

The visit carries great significance as Egypt aims to foster stronger economic and diplomatic ties with Slovenia. By actively participating in the joint ministerial committee on economic cooperation, both countries aim to create opportunities for trade, investment, and knowledge sharing.

Shokry’s visit serves as an avenue for deepening cooperation and understanding between Egypt and Slovenia. Both nations have a shared interest in promoting regional peace and stability, making the discussions on the Palestinian Cause particularly relevant.

As Minister Shokry embarks on this diplomatic mission, Egypt aims to further strengthen relations with Slovenia and expand its network of partnerships. The meetings with Slovenian officials will lay the groundwork for future collaborations and promote mutual growth in various sectors.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs remains committed to engaging with countries around the world, fostering bilateral ties, and addressing regional and international challenges. Egypt’s proactive approach to diplomacy allows for meaningful exchanges that benefit all parties involved.

Overall, Minister Sameh Shokry’s visit to Slovenia demonstrates the proactive efforts of Egypt to forge stronger connections on the global stage. As discussions unfold, both nations will seek to utilize this opportunity to broaden their partnership horizons and work towards shared goals of prosperity and stability.

Egypt and Slovenia are eager to explore opportunities for collaboration, extend their economic reach, and contribute to regional peace and development. The visit holds promising potential for fruitful outcomes, fostering stronger relations and paving the way for future cooperation.

Stay tuned for further updates on the outcomes of Minister Shokry’s visit, as Egypt continues to actively engage in diplomatic endeavors around the world. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs remains committed to pursuing avenues of cooperation and fostering mutually beneficial relationships beyond borders.

Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta is a dedicated author at The Reportify who covers the intricate world of politics. With a deep interest in current affairs and political dynamics, Siddharth provides insightful analysis, updates, and perspectives in the Politics category. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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