Memory and Storage Prices Set to Rise: End of Bargain Era for Consumers


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Rising NAND and DDR Chip Prices Mean SSD and Memory Prices Are Sure to Increase in 2024

The last few months have witnessed a significant drop in prices for memory and storage products, particularly solid-state drives (SSDs). While this has been great news for consumers, it has posed challenges for manufacturers who have struggled to maintain profitability. However, this trend is about to change as the prices of DRAM and NAND chips begin to rise, signaling the end of the bargain era.

According to a report by Digitimes cited by Tom’s Hardware, manufacturers have decided to reduce production in an attempt to eliminate excess inventories and bolster profitability. As a result, spot prices for memory products have started increasing, and these higher costs will inevitably be passed on to consumers.

Among the components experiencing a significant price surge is NAND flash memory. DRAMeXchange, a leading chip price tracker, reports a price increase of almost 100% for 512GB TLC NAND over the last six months. From a low of around $1.30, the price has climbed to as high as $2.75 during the latest trading session. Unfortunately, experts predict that the price will continue to soar, potentially reaching the $3.20 to $3.60 range, which they still refer to as a breakeven price. The days of purchasing 1TB SSDs for under $50 are undoubtedly coming to an end, at least for the foreseeable future.

These production cuts should not come as a surprise. Global demand for PCs has plummeted since the work-from-home boom fueled by the pandemic ended, coupled with an economic slowdown in China. With lower demand, manufacturers have been faced with reduced prices and diminished profits. Given the challenges faced by companies such as Samsung and Micron, production cuts were inevitable. Now, we are witnessing the desired impact of these measures.

The implications for 2024 might include potential shortages. If PC demand picks up, the relatively low production levels will further drive up spot prices. As new waves of PC, smartphone, and enterprise products hit the market, the demand for memory and storage will surge. Should production remain restricted, this scenario will favor manufacturers but leave consumers paying higher prices.

For those who have been considering purchasing a new SSD or memory kit but haven’t gotten around to it yet, it might be wise to act sooner rather than later. While there are still bargains available, it is unlikely that we will see any better deals in 2024.

In conclusion, the recent surge in NAND and DDR chip prices will inevitably lead to price increases for SSDs and memory products in 2024. Manufacturers have been forced to cut production, which has started driving up spot prices. As demand picks up in the coming years, shortages and further price hikes may be on the horizon. Hence, if you’ve been eyeing a new SSD or memory kit, now might be the best time to secure a deal before prices continue to rise.

Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma is a tech-savvy author at The Reportify who delves into the ever-evolving world of technology. With her expertise in the latest gadgets, innovations, and tech trends, Neha keeps you informed about all things tech in the Technology category. She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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