Massive Force Deployed to Track and Capture Tiger that Mauled Woman in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, India


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MYSURU: A massive force comprising trained personnel, drones, and elephants has been deployed in the hunt for a maneater tiger in the Bandipur Tiger Reserve (BTR) in India. The search, triggered by a recent attack on a woman, involves 100 personnel from various specialized teams, including the Special Tiger Protection Force and Elephant Task Force. Forest officers confirmed that the attack occurred when three women entered the forested area of the tiger reserve to graze their cattle. In addition to the ground teams, drones, cameras, forest watchers, and three elephants with veterinarians are being utilized to scour the area for the killer tiger. The teams are also installing more cameras for monitoring purposes and setting up three cages, including a specialized Tumakuru cage, to trap the predatory tiger. The authorities have integrated technological advancements and trained personnel to ensure the safety of both the local community and the wildlife within the Bandipur Tiger Reserve.

Jaishankar BH
Jaishankar BH
Jaishankar BH, the experienced author behind The Reportify, brings a wealth of knowledge in Indian news. With a deep understanding of the country's political landscape and cultural nuances, Jaishankar delivers insightful and well-researched analysis. Stay informed and enlightened with Jaishankar's expertise at The Reportify. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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