Artificial Intelligence

AI Chatbot ChatGPT Easily Misled, Raising Concerns About Reliability, US

AI Chatbot ChatGPT easily misled, raising concerns about reliability. Study finds it blindly accepts invalid arguments, casting doubt on its truth-seeking mechanisms. Implications for critical sectors like crime assessment and medical analysis. Efforts needed to strengthen reasoning capabilities and build trust.

AI Robot Achieves Superhuman Performance in Labyrinth Marble Game, Switzerland

ETH Zurich's AI robot, CyberRunner, surpasses humans in a labyrinth marble game, showcasing its superhuman performance. Impressive advancements in AI's physical tasks with potential applications in multiple industries.

AI Chatbots: Revealing the Truth Behind the Hype and Misperceptions

Unveiling the truth about AI chatbots: Debunking misconceptions and revealing their limitations.

AI System Trained on Danish Data Predicts Life Outcomes with Groundbreaking Accuracy, Denmark

AI system trained on Danish data predicts life outcomes with groundbreaking accuracy, outperforming other models and methods used by life insurance companies. Researchers caution against its use by insurers due to ethical concerns.

GPT-3’s Mistakes & Harmful Misinformation Revealed in Waterloo Study, Canada

GPT-3 study reveals harmful misinformation and errors in language models, raising concerns about their reliability and potential dangers.

