US Army Seeks $1.5B TITAN System Contractors for Future ISR Capabilities


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The U.S. Army is conducting market research to identify potential industry capabilities to develop and produce future Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node systems. In a notice posted Wednesday on, the service seeks information on vendors that can produce the envisioned system, deliver software updates and perform the required initial operational support for TITAN. The potential TITAN contractors are also expected to supply training materials, engineering services, and logistics support, which include fielding, spares, and warranties. The government estimates that the project will run from fiscal years 2026 through 2031 and cost up to $1.5 billion. TITAN is a scalable intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance ground station that employs artificial intelligence to quickly process sensor data to provide targeting and situational awareness support for commanders across the entire joint all-domain operations battlefield framework. At present, the program is in the rapid prototyping stage and will move to the production phase in 2026, by which time project managers will conduct hardware and software procurements for the system. The government will accept capability statements from interested parties no later than Sept. 4.

Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma is a tech-savvy author at The Reportify who delves into the ever-evolving world of technology. With her expertise in the latest gadgets, innovations, and tech trends, Neha keeps you informed about all things tech in the Technology category. She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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