Surprising Solution? The Veil in Harry Potter Could’ve Destroyed Horcruxes


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Title: The Potential Solution Overlooked in Harry Potter: Destroying Horcruxes Through the Veil

In the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the quest to destroy Horcruxes posed a significant challenge for the Golden Trio. Despite their efforts, a surprising solution to this problem may have been much closer than they realized. The Veil in the Department of Mysteries, known as an archway to the afterlife, could potentially have been used to rid the world of these dark objects.

While the Golden Trio ultimately found a way to destroy Horcruxes, Hermione’s research skills leading them to basilisk venom and Fiendfyre, the Veil could have provided a convenient option. Introduced in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, this mysterious artifact played a significant role in the series.

When Sirius Black passed through the Veil, he entered the afterlife, and it became clear that there was no way to return or be followed. Drawing a parallel between the Veil and the concept of a Horcrux, it is reasonable to consider that tossing a Horcrux through the Veil would release the fragmented soul within, allowing it to pass on to the afterlife.

However, the interaction between the Veil and the fragmented souls within a Horcrux remains uncertain. It is crucial to understand the working principles of Horcruxes. When a wizard with a Horcrux meets their demise, their soul remains tethered to the living world as long as the Horcrux exists. By passing through the Veil, the Horcrux would lose its connection to the living world, rendering it ineffective, even if it may not be technically destroyed.

In hindsight, the Golden Trio could have potentially pursued this option when they were already in the Ministry of Magic. However, breaking in again would have posed significant challenges. Harry would have needed to keep his anger and impulsiveness in check, a task not easily accomplished. Additionally, it is possible that the Ministry could have taken precautions and relocated the Veil after the events of the Order of the Phoenix. Moreover, proving the success of this method would have required eliminating the other Horcruxes, vanquishing Voldemort, and assessing the state of Slytherin’s locket after passing through the Veil.

The Veil had always been shrouded in mystery, and its workings were never fully explained in the series. Sirius Black’s experience with the Veil signified that there was no coming back. However, Harry’s use of the Resurrection Stone briefly allowed him to communicate with his godfather in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This suggests that Sirius ended up in the same realm as Harry’s parents, who had no interaction with the Veil.

Furthermore, when Harry approached the Veil, he heard voices emanating from the other side, an occurrence that he and Luna Lovegood uniquely shared. Given their connection with death through their ability to see Thestrals, it is plausible that they could hear the voices of their deceased loved ones. This further solidifies the understanding that the Veil leads directly to the Great Beyond, a place where fragmented souls like Horcruxes and Voldemort cannot endure.

In conclusion, while the Veil in the Department of Mysteries may have offered a surprising solution for destroying Horcruxes, the inherent uncertainties and risks involved made it a less practical option for the Golden Trio. Despite this potential, Hermione’s extensive research led them to alternative methods, ensuring the ultimate defeat of Lord Voldemort and the destruction of his diabolical Horcruxes.

Arjun Patel
Arjun Patel
Arjun Patel is a dynamic author at The Reportify who curates captivating entertainment news. With a passion for the world of entertainment, Arjun keeps you updated on the latest trends, celebrity buzz, and exciting developments in the Entertainment category. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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