Zoya Akhtar, the filmmaker known for her critically acclaimed movie Gully Boy, recently unveiled the first look motion posters of actors Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, and Khushi Kapoor from her upcoming film, The Archies. Zoya took to Instagram to share the exciting news with her followers. The movie, an Indian adaptation of the famous comic book, is set to premiere on Netflix soon, although the official release date has not been announced yet.
In her Instagram post, Zoya introduced Suhana Khan as Veronica Lodge, describing her character as sassy to classy and everything in between. She urged the viewers to watch out for Veronica Lodge in The Archies. Agastya Nanda, the grandson of legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, was introduced as Archie Andrews. Zoya mentioned that Archie isn’t sure where his heart belongs, leaving the audience wondering about his storyline in the film. Lastly, Khushi Kapoor was introduced as Betty Kapoor. Zoya described her as the girl next door who should not be taken for granted.
Apart from Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, and Khushi Kapoor, Zoya also introduced Vedang Raina, Yuvraj Menda, Mihir Ahuja, and Aditi Dot, who will be playing various characters in the movie. Zoya’s adaptation of The Archies is set in 1964 in Riverdale, described as a hill station, a term used for towns located at a higher elevation than the nearby plain. The teaser for the film showcased the iconic Archies gang falling in love and experiencing heartbreak, along with their musical performances and outdoor adventures.
While there is no confirmed release date yet, fans are eagerly awaiting the premiere of The Archies on Netflix. Zoya Akhtar has proven her storytelling prowess in the past with movies like Gully Boy, and expectations are high for her adaptation of the beloved comic book. The motion posters and teaser have generated buzz among viewers, and the film is expected to be a must-watch for fans of the original Archies series.
It is always exciting to see classic characters come to life on the big screen, and The Archies promises to deliver nostalgia and entertainment in equal measure. With the talented cast and Zoya Akhtar’s creative vision, the film is poised to be a treat for audiences of all ages. As we eagerly await the official release date of The Archies, let’s prepare to embark on a journey back to Riverdale and witness the adventures of these beloved characters once again.