Protesters Demand Justice for Johnny Hollman’s Murder by Atlanta Police, US


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Protesters Demand Justice for Johnny Hollman’s Murder by Atlanta Police

Over 100 protesters gathered outside the Atlanta Police Department headquarters on Thursday, August 14, demanding justice for the murder of Johnny Hollman. Holding signs and chanting passionately, the protesters called for accountability and an end to police violence. Johnny Hollman, a beloved church deacon and a father of five, was tragically killed at the hands of Atlanta police on August 10, following a minor car accident.

The incident began when Hollman dialed 911 for assistance after the accident. As his daughter stayed on the line with him, the situation escalated when a police officer detained Hollman and used a taser on him, causing him to become unresponsive. Hollman’s desperate cries for help were heard by his daughter, who rushed to the scene only to find her father lying on the street receiving chest compressions.

The grieving family of Johnny Hollman is demanding answers from the Atlanta Police Department (APD) and justice for the senseless killing of their loved one. Speaking to the crowd, Hollman’s daughter, Arnitra Fallins, expressed her anger and outrage, emphasizing the profound impact of her father’s death on their family. She declared, You murdered my dad. You killed my dad. My brother was there, he witnessed it. I stayed on that phone from the time my dad called me for 17 minutes and 46 seconds.

The crowd of protesters continued to grow as the event progressed, eventually taking to the streets and marching towards city hall. However, their peaceful protest was met with a heavy police presence, including militarized helicopters and officers on bicycles. In an attempt to contain the demonstration, police formed barricades around the protesters, intensifying their efforts to instill fear. Nevertheless, the resolute crowd remained undeterred, chanting and delivering speeches.

In a small victory for the protesters, the police eventually retreated, leaving the crowd cheering over their successful defiance against the APD’s attempts to suppress their protest. This tragic incident involving the killing of Johnny Hollman adds to a disturbing pattern of police violence in Atlanta, with previous cases such as the shooting of Manny Tortuguita Terán Paez in January of this year, where the police lied about the circumstances and faced no consequences.

Kamau Franklin, a member of Community Movement Builders, addressed the crowd, painting a grim picture of the struggle faced by families who seek justice for their loved ones. He stated, Imagine the rude awakening of having a father, a grandfather, a great grandfather, an uncle, a deacon in your church, a friend of the community killed by the police. Where you have to spend day after day trying to get justice from a system and a society that was never meant to give you justice in the first place.

In their determination to secure justice for Johnny Hollman, the protesters marched back from city hall to the APD headquarters, vowing to continue their fight. Despite facing surveillance and harassment from the police, the protesters managed to leave without arrests or further interference from the APD.

The call for justice and an end to police violence resonates not only in Atlanta but throughout the world. The tragic killing of Johnny Hollman serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for accountability, reform, and a reevaluation of law enforcement practices. As the fight for justice continues, the global community stands in solidarity with those demanding change, hoping for a future where lives are protected, valued, and respected.

Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson, a seasoned journalist and USA news expert, leads The Reportify's coverage of American current affairs. With unwavering commitment, he delivers up-to-the-minute, credible information, ensuring readers stay informed about the latest events shaping the nation. Michael's keen research skills and ability to craft compelling narratives provide deep insights into the ever-evolving landscape of USA news. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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