OpenAI’s ChatGPT Security Breach Raises AI Safety Concerns, US


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OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT chatbot, experienced a security breach in 2023. According to a report by the New York Times, hackers infiltrated the Microsoft-backed company’s internal messaging system and were able to steal details about their artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The report claims that the compromised information originated from an online forum where OpenAI employees discussed the company’s latest AI advancements. However, the hackers were unable to access the core systems where OpenAI builds and houses its AI, including ChatGPT itself.

In April 2023, OpenAI executives informed both employees and the company’s board about the breach, but they opted to keep the news confidential. Their reasoning for not making the breach public was twofold: no customer or partner information was compromised, and they believed the hacker was an individual actor with no connection to a foreign government.

This news comes amid growing concerns about the safety and potential misuse of AI technology. OpenAI recently shut down its team dedicated to researching long-term risks from AI, known as the superalignment team, following the departures of key figures like co-founder Ilya Sutskever and team co-lead Jan Leike.

In response to these developments, the Biden administration is reportedly considering implementing safeguards to protect US AI technology from competitors like China and Russia. This news follows a pledge by 16 major AI companies to develop AI technology responsibly, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations alongside rapid advancements in the field.

The TOI Tech Desk is committed to delivering the latest news from the world of technology, encompassing gadget launches, reviews, trends, analysis, and exclusive reports that impact technology and the digital universe. From AI to cybersecurity, personal gadgets, and social media platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram, TOI Tech Desk provides accurate and authentic news coverage for our readers.

Tanvi Shah
Tanvi Shah
Tanvi Shah is an expert author at The Reportify who explores the exciting world of artificial intelligence (AI). With a passion for AI advancements, Tanvi shares exciting news, breakthroughs, and applications in the Artificial Intelligence category. She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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