Meet the Father of Traffic Safety: How William Phelps Eno Revolutionized Road Travel


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Meet the Father of Traffic Safety: How William Phelps Eno Revolutionized Road Travel

In the early 20th century, the way people traveled on roads in New York State underwent a major transformation with the introduction of automobiles. This led to a mixture of pedestrians, street cars, carriages, and fast-moving motor vehicles, resulting in significant traffic congestion and jams. The need for road safety measures became blatantly clear.

Enter William Phelps Eno, an influential figure often referred to as the father of traffic safety. Born in New York in 1858, Eno played a pivotal role in revolutionizing road travel through his numerous innovations. Interestingly, he himself never learned to drive.

In 1900, Eno published an article titled Reform in Our Street Traffic Urgently Needed, in which he emphasized the critical importance of regulating street traffic. According to Eno, concise and simple rules, wide distribution of these rules, and empowered police officers dedicated to enforcement were the three key factors for better traffic control.

Eno went on to draft the very first Rules of the Road, which were adopted by New York City in 1909 and subsequently by London and Paris. His pioneering work earned him the title of the father of traffic safety, and many of the traffic-flow innovations we now take for granted owe their existence to him.

Among his accomplishments, Eno is credited with designing traffic circles, now commonly known as roundabouts or rotaries. The first traffic circle, Columbus Circle, was unveiled in New York City in 1905. He also orchestrated the traffic circle surrounding the famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Eno was the mastermind behind the introduction of one-way streets, traffic lights, and the concept of passing on the right. Moreover, he contributed to the invention and popularization of stop signs, taxi stands, pedestrian safety islands, and the concept of the hard left turn.

In recognition of Eno’s significant contributions to traffic safety, the Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control was established in 1921. Presently known as the Eno Center for Transportation, this organization is dedicated to enhancing transportation policy and leadership.

William Phelps Eno’s ingenious ideas and relentless efforts have shaped the way we navigate roads today, ensuring safer and more efficient travel. His contributions have left an indelible mark on the field of traffic safety, and his legacy continues to inspire further advancements in transportation for the benefit of communities worldwide.

Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson is a seasoned journalist and an expert in the field of UK news. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for delivering accurate and timely information, she is responsible for managing the UK news section at The Reportify. Emily's commitment to journalistic integrity ensures that readers receive comprehensive coverage of the latest happenings in the United Kingdom. Her in-depth research and ability to convey complex stories in a clear and engaging manner make her a trusted source of news for our readers. Stay informed with Emily Johnson's insightful articles and stay connected to the pulse of the UK news landscape She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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