Luxembourg’s Grand Duke Henri Celebrates Olympic Successes in Interview with RTL


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Grand Duke Henri was a guest on RTL’s Journal des Jeux programme on Sunday evening.

Grand Duke Henri has never been shy about his great love for sports. The Head of State is a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and has been closely watching the Olympics unfold. With the Grand Duchess at his side, they have been keenly following the Luxembourgish athletes proudly representing the Grand Duchy.

We can see Luxembourgish flags everywhere in the stadiums, the Grand Duke shared gleefully during his interview. He noted that the Olympics are a fantastic showcase for Luxembourg, particularly for our athletes.

With 13 athletes, we have a formidable team, the Grand Duke shared enthusiastically.

The Grand Duke did not hesitate to proclaim his admiration for Luxembourgish table tennis star, Ni Xia Lian known worldwide. For him, Ni Xia Lian’s match against the world number 1 was his highlight so far.

She displayed so much joy for the sport, she knew her chances of winning were slim but as we all saw, she shined nevertheless.

It was a very beautiful moment, where we saw what the true values of sport are, added the Head of State.

During the interview, the Grand Duke also spoke on his work as a member of the IOC, noting particularly his pleasure at the inclusion of an official refugee team since the Olympic Games in Rio.

Ishan Joshi
Ishan Joshi
Ishan Joshi is an enthusiastic sports writer at The Reportify who keeps you informed about the thrilling world of sports. From match highlights to athlete profiles, Ishan brings you the latest updates and engaging stories from the Sports category. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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