Iman Vellani, the young actress known for her role as Kamala Khan in Disney+’s Ms. Marvel series, has now ventured into the world of comic book writing. She recently co-wrote Marvel’s latest release, Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #1. In a recent interview with Marvel, Vellani revealed that the idea for the opening sequence of the series came to her in a dream.
The story of Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant begins after the tragic and controversial death of Ms. Marvel in Amazing Spider-Man. The beloved hero returns to the world of the living as the newest member of the X-Men during the Hellfire Gala. However, the celebration is disrupted when Orchis attacks, making the mutants of Krakoa public enemy number one.
Vellani, a devoted Marvel and X-Men fan, shared that the concept for the comic came to her in a dream. Inspired by Billy Joel’s song The River of Dreams, she incorporated the theme of dreaming into Kamala’s journey. The first issue of Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant opens with Kamala experiencing a recurring dream that confronts her with her rebirth on Krakoa and her past connections to various superhero teams. Kamala has always felt torn between her family, friends, and duties, as well as the different teams she has been a part of, such as the Champions, Avengers, Inhumans, and now the X-Men.
Vellani’s debut as a writer in Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #1 has been well-received. The comic successfully introduces Kamala Khan into the world of the X-Men. The decision to bring Kamala back as a mutant after her death received mixed reactions from fans, but her new era as an X-Man is already proving to be iconic. Kamala comes out as a mutant to her best friend Bruno and takes on Orchis by infiltrating their summer camp. Vellani excellently captures Kamala’s voice, showcasing her internal dialogue as she navigates her history, heroism, and relationships. The mutant rebranding of Ms. Marvel becomes a journey filled with grace, honesty, and respect.
In the first issue, Kamala’s stress dream concludes with her witnessing a mysterious cosmic being, reminiscent of a combination of Doctor Strange and the Silver Surfer. This hints at unseen forces that will play a role in her mutant journey. As a character who has always been a dreamer, it is no surprise that Vellani integrated the concept of dreaming—both literal and figurative—into the new series.
Iman Vellani holds the distinction of being the first major actor from the MCU to receive a writing credit on a Marvel comic. Her co-writer, Sabir Pirzada, acknowledged Vellani’s contribution to the major visuals throughout the first issue of Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant, highlighting her significant involvement. Vellani’s dream of Kamala Khan’s first adventure as an official X-Man has beautifully come to life, transforming Ms. Marvel’s exciting new phase as a mutant into one that will have a profound impact on her future, while drawing from lessons of her past.
Marvel fans can now find Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #1 in stores.