Title: Turkish Occupation Forces Face Resistance and Suffer Losses in Guerrilla-Held Territories
In ongoing clashes between Turkish occupation forces and guerrilla fighters in northern Iraq’s Medya Defence Zones, the resistance has intensified, resulting in casualties for the Turkish army. According to a statement released by the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) on Saturday, three Turkish soldiers were killed and seven positions were destroyed during actions carried out by the HPG and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) guerrillas.
The guerrilla forces successfully defended their positions in the face of massive air attacks by Turkish fighter jets in the Qandil region. Fortunately, the guerrillas did not suffer any casualties during the airstrikes that occurred from Thursday to Friday. In response to false information spread by the Turkish media about a fallen guerrilla fighter named Rêzan Botan, the HPG press office issued a clarification, dismissing the fabricated reports.
Guerrilla fighters in the Girê Ortê Resistance Area in Metîna thwarted a Turkish army advance on the morning of September 1 using their semi-automatic weapons. Later in the afternoon, the guerrillas launched another action against the occupation forces, employing heavy weaponry.
In the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area in Şehîd Delîl, located in the western Zap region, the guerrillas carried out twelve separate actions against the Turkish invading forces between August 31 and September 2. These actions involved the use of heavy and semi-automatic weapons, as well as snipers. As a result, three soldiers were killed, and seven positions occupied by the Turkish forces were damaged.
The Turkish army responded with multiple airstrikes, targeting areas such as Qalatuka, Sîrê, Kortek, Girê Roj, Şehîd Harun, and Sûredê in the Qandil region, as well as the Zap region. Despite the intensity of these attacks, the guerrillas remained unharmed.
In addition to the airstrikes, the HPG also reported artillery attacks on the Zap, Metîna, and Xakurke regions by the Turkish army.
The HPG statement shed light on the tactics employed by the Turkish army, highlighting their reliance on spreading false information and resorting to special war lies. The resistance displayed by the guerrilla forces has put the Turkish army in a serious tactical deadlock, frustrating their plans and rendering them unable to achieve their desired results. The HPG’s statement aimed to inform the public and patriotic individuals about the true facts, counteracting the distorted narratives propagated by the Turkish special war media.
Regarding the false reports about the fallen guerrilla fighter Rêzan Botan, the HPG clarified that their comrade had joined the guerrilla ranks in response to the oppressive practices of the fascist Turkish state. The HPG emphasized that the glorification of a young comrade who had only recently joined the guerrillas, with no prior training, speaks volumes about the shameful depths to which the Turkish state has sunk.
Despite the continued resistance of the guerrilla forces and their success in inflicting losses on Turkish occupation forces, the conflict in the Medya Defence Zones remains ongoing. The intensity and determination demonstrated by the resistance highlight the deep-rooted commitment of the guerrilla fighters to defending their territories against the Turkish invasion.