Former Wales Rugby Star Rhys Webb Tests Positive for Growth Hormone, Facing Career-Ending Ban, France


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Former Welsh rugby star Rhys Webb faces a potential career-ending ban after testing positive for a growth hormone, according to French newspaper L’Equipe. The 34-year-old, who played for Wales and the British and Irish Lions, could be banned for up to four years if found guilty in a hearing on Monday. The positive result stems from an unannounced screening conducted by the French Anti-Doping Agency in July. This incident marks the first time since 2016 that an athlete has tested positive for growth hormone usage in France, thanks to a recent scientific breakthrough that enables longer detection windows. Webb, who recently joined French second-division club Biarritz, has been temporarily suspended and intends to contest the result. Another high-profile player, South African Elton Jantjies, also faced doping allegations after testing positive for Clenbuterol. Jantjies, who plays for second-division team Pau, was released from the Springbok squad before the World Cup group was announced.

Ishan Joshi
Ishan Joshi
Ishan Joshi is an enthusiastic sports writer at The Reportify who keeps you informed about the thrilling world of sports. From match highlights to athlete profiles, Ishan brings you the latest updates and engaging stories from the Sports category. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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