Fashion Show Mall Plans New Casino Atop Las Vegas Strip Landmark


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Fashion Show Mall, one of the most iconic landmarks on the Las Vegas Strip, has announced plans for a new casino. The mall, which has been a fixture on the Strip since 1981, is owned by Howard Hughes Holdings, who have set up a new division called Seaport Entertainment to oversee their entertainment-related assets.

This new division will include the Seaport in Lower Manhattan, the Las Vegas Aviators Triple-A Minor League Baseball team, the company’s ownership stake in Jean-Georges Restaurants, and its 80% interest in the air rights above the Fashion Show Mall. It is these air rights that will be utilized to create the new casino.

The Casino Royale/Best Western property, located in the heart of the Strip, is also adopting a similar strategy. The owners have recently received FAA approval to build a 699-foot tower on their site. It seems that the go tall philosophy is becoming a popular trend as developers look for ways to expand in a city that has limited land available for construction.

The Las Vegas Strip covers only 4.2 square miles, making any available buildable space extremely valuable. With no new land available, developers are being forced to think creatively and either demolish existing properties or build upwards.

Fashion Show Mall’s plans to add a casino on top of the existing structure will allow the mall to continue operating as it always has while creating a new revenue stream. However, no formal plan has been filed with the relevant authorities, and the FAA still needs to conduct a safety study to ensure that the proposed building will not impact air traffic.

The new casino at Fashion Show Mall is an exciting development for both locals and tourists alike. The mall has always been a popular destination, and the addition of a casino will only enhance its appeal. While the timeline for the project is not yet set in stone, it is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Overall, the plans for the new casino at Fashion Show Mall demonstrate the innovative thinking of developers in Las Vegas. As space becomes increasingly limited on the Strip, it is clear that to expand, builders must either sacrifice existing landmarks or look to the sky. With projects like the new guitar hotel at the Hard Rock and the upcoming baseball stadium that will replace the Tropicana, it is evident that the Las Vegas Strip is evolving and embracing new possibilities.

Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta
Shreya Gupta is an insightful author at The Reportify who dives into the realm of business. With a keen understanding of industry trends, market developments, and entrepreneurship, Shreya brings you the latest news and analysis in the Business She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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