Divya Agarwal, winner of the popular reality show Bigg Boss OTT, is making headlines again for her recent engagement to longtime friend Apurva Padgaonkar. Divya’s journey from a public break-up controversy with ex-boyfriend Varun Sood to this joyful occasion has been a rollercoaster ride for the fans.
Adding to her recent accomplishments, Divya also purchased a house in Mumbai, which was celebrated by her fiancé on social media. Sharing a picture of Divya touching the door and nameplate of the house, Apurva congratulated her for achieving this feat in a city like Mumbai. He said he was proud of her for taking such a bold step.
However, this joyous news comes with a little disappointment for Divya’s fans. In a recent interview, the reality star shared that she was not invited to participate in this year’s Bigg Boss season 16, although she had expressed her interest in joining the show. Divya mentioned that she has stopped doing reality shows and wants to showcase her talent in acting, not just reality TV.
She further revealed that she was disappointed when the makers did not invite her to the show, even after her fans had shown immense support for her. The one reality show that she was keen on doing was Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, but it did not happen this year. Expressing her disappointment, Divya said that she has always loved reality shows but her experience had changed her perception.
Despite being the winner of Bigg Boss OTT, Divya stated that she would not want to be a guest on the current season of Bigg Boss. She shared her personal experience from the OTT show, where she was promised a chance to participate in the main show if she won but was left in the dark later. Divya humorously suggested that she did not have Shetty in her name, which could have been a reason for her exclusion.
Divya’s journey has been a series of ups and downs, but she has managed to come out stronger and achieve her dreams. Her recent engagement and successful home purchase are testimony to her strength and determination. Although she had to face some rejections, she has now shifted her focus to acting, indicating her desire to explore new avenues. We hope she finds success in her acting career and continues to inspire her fans.