California Governor Vetoes Anti-Caste Discrimination Bill, Citing Existing Protections Against Discrimination, US


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California Governor Vetoes Anti-Caste Discrimination Bill, Citing Existing Protections Against Discrimination

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed an anti-caste discrimination bill that was recently passed by the state assembly. Governor Newsom cited existing laws that prohibit discrimination in the state as the reason behind his decision. The bill, known as SB403, aimed to include caste as a dimension of ancestry in existing civil rights protections.

In a statement, Governor Newsom emphasized that California already protects individuals from discrimination based on various characteristics, including sex, race, religion, and national origin. He argued that discrimination based on caste is already prohibited under these existing categories, rendering the bill unnecessary.

The governor’s veto has been welcomed by a large segment of the Indian-American community who opposed the bill on the same grounds. They believe that existing laws are sufficient to protect against caste-based discrimination. Samir Kalra, the managing director of the Hindu American Foundation, expressed relief that Governor Newsom’s decision prevented the potential targeting of Californians based on their ethnicity or religious identity.

Supporters of the bill, however, viewed Governor Newsom’s veto as a missed opportunity to address caste discrimination. They described the bill as historic and criticized the governor for not taking action to protect the South Asian community and Hindus in the state.

The decision to veto the bill followed discussions held between Governor Newsom and leading Democrat Ajay Bhutoria, who expressed gratitude to the governor for his decision. Bhutoria and Rakesh Kapur had urged the governor to veto the bill, highlighting the detrimental impact it could have on the community.

Despite the bill’s passage by the California State Assembly, concerns were raised regarding certain organizations supporting the bill, including a hunger strike initiated by some proponents. Questions were raised about potential financial interests and the fostering of anti-India and anti-Hindu sentiments within the Indian-American community.

The veto of the SB403 bill by Governor Newsom has been seen as a victory for those who believe that existing laws already protect against discrimination. It demonstrates the power of constructive dialogue and collaboration between communities and lawmakers.

Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta
Siddharth Mehta is a dedicated author at The Reportify who covers the intricate world of politics. With a deep interest in current affairs and political dynamics, Siddharth provides insightful analysis, updates, and perspectives in the Politics category. He can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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