Accused Stalker Violates Order of Protection, Faces New Charges, US


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A man accused of stalking a resident in Schuylerville, New York, has been arrested once again for violating an order of protection. Pilot Michael Arnold, who has been the subject of an ongoing investigation, was apprehended by Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office deputies on Friday outside a grocery store. Arnold now faces multiple charges, including eight counts of Criminal Contempt as misdemeanors and one felony count. CBS 6, which has been following the stalking charges against Arnold since May, obtained Facebook messages that allegedly show him repeatedly disregarding the order of protection. Arnold is accused of stalking Cassandra Wilusz, both on the ground and in his airplane, since 2019. The messages, which were sent under a fake account linked to Arnold’s devices, included disturbing content directed at Wilusz and her daughter. A warrant for Facebook records was issued months ago, and the investigation confirmed the connection between the fake account and Arnold. Despite the new charges, Arnold posted bail and is scheduled to appear in Saratoga Town Court on October 10th for the previous stalking charges he faces. In addition to the charges in New York, Arnold is also facing legal action in Vermont for violating a do not fly order, as well as resisting arrest. He is set to appear in courts in Milton Town, Saratoga Town, and Vermont Superior Court in Bennington.

Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson is an accomplished crime reporter at The Reportify, specializing in investigative journalism and criminal justice. With an unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth, Sophia fearlessly delves into the depths of criminal cases to shed light on the darkest corners of society. Her keen analytical skills and attention to detail enable her to piece together complex narratives and provide comprehensive coverage of high-profile trials, crime scenes, and law enforcement developments. Sophia's dedication to justice and her ability to present facts with clarity and sensitivity make her articles an essential resource for readers seeking an in-depth understanding of the criminal landscape. She can be reached at for any inquiries or further information.

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