11 Killed in China Bridge Collapse Amid Torrential Rains


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ELEVEN people were killed when a bridge in northern China collapsed amid torrential rains, state news agency Xinhua reported on Saturday (Jul 20).

The bridge in Shaanxi province’s Shangluo collapsed at around 8.40 pm on Friday (1240 GMT) due to a sudden downpour and flash floods, Xinhua said, citing the provincial public relations department.

Rescue operations were underway on Saturday morning, with five vehicles recovered from the water so far.

Images on state television CCTV showed a partially submerged section of the bridge with the river rushing over it.

Large portions of northern and central China have been battered since Tuesday by rains that caused flooding and significant damage.

On Friday, state media reported at least five people dead and eight missing after the rains sparked flooding and mudslides in Shaanxi’s Baoji city.

China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rains across the east and south, while much of the north has faced successive heat waves.

Riya Patel
Riya Patel
Riya Patel is a dedicated author at The Reportify covering the vast landscape of world news. With a commitment to providing comprehensive coverage, Riya brings you the latest updates, global events, and impactful stories in the World News category. She can be reached at riya@thereportify.com for any inquiries or further information.

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